It’s not a secret that Credit Unions are fiercely devoted to their members. When the Coronavirus pandemic spread around the world, CUs were faced with new challenges that included navigating lobby closures, jammed phone lines, member anxieties, and more. While Text Messaging is the best way to stay engaged with members, it’s also important to follow best practices in order to best serve members and to avoid turning them off at such a pivotal time.
Here are several tips to ensure that your Credit Union is best communicating with members during the pandemic:
Avoid Information Overload
It seems as though almost all brands across all industries are flooding consumers with repetitive messages for the sake of staying relevant in the times of Coronavirus. While it’s important to communicate during the pandemic, it’s even more imperative to provide your members the most useful information to avoid having your messages go unnoticed. If your Credit Union is offering lowered interest rates on loans, that should be communicated first to show both empathy for your members while providing them an actual benefit to help.
Avoid Negativity
Although messages alerting members of new virus cases, lockdowns and other pandemic updates may be well-intentioned, they may cause hysteria and result in anxiety levels to continue to rise. Sharing messages that cause both awareness and purpose to help the situation should be top of mind. Prioritize texts that offer accurate information that also provides encouragement during this difficult time.
Prioritize Empathy
While Text Messaging may have simply been used for informational purposes prior to the pandemic, now is the time to take a sensitive approach that takes into account what your members are going through. For example, if your Credit Union is taking extra steps to help those in need, certainly communicate that story. Focusing on sensitivity will help your Credit Union build valuable, loyal relationships with members long after this crisis is over.
Don’t Forget About Compliance
Compliance regulations play a big role in sending messages, even in times of emergencies. Eltropy understands these regulations may seem cumbersome and difficult to navigate, especially with the chaos of our current situation. We are committed to showing CUs how to obtain consent through a variety of ways, including sessaging sign ups, email campaigns, and more.
Learn more by checking out our Credit Union’s Guide to Text Messaging Compliance.
Get Personal
Personalized messaging always helps you stand out. During a crisis, addressing your members by name is essential. With stress levels at all time highs, making your member feel as though you specifically thought of them as you constructed the message is your CU’s duty. By providing members reasons to trust you, they are much more likely to show loyalty even after the pandemic resolves.
Eltropy’s analytics dashboard helps you gain important insight into your customers that can be used for crafting personalized messages. Additionally, you can create custom, editable message templates – allowing you to share relevant content fast with personalization.
Want to learn more about how Eltropy can help your Credit Union navigate times of crisis? Request a demo today.