Reduce Phone Calls with Live Chat

Provide a seamless live service to your website and mobile app users.

Live Chat to reduce call center work load

Modern and
AI-infused Chat Experience

Provide 24/7 service with powerful AI Chat that is pre-trained on common CFI questions.

Escalate to human agents with context for complex questions.

See what members are seeing with Co-browse.

Managed AI Chat Designed for CFIs

With AI Chat pre-trained on 400+ intents, automate services around the clock for over 50% of the reasons members contact you.

Free up your agents to spend more time with members on unique and complex issues and build relationships.

Seamlessly transition chats from AI Chat to human agents with full context and insights to eliminate the need for members to re-explain the issue.

cobrowsing - live chat

Provide Contextual Service with Co-Browsing

Members contacting through website often encounter navigation issues. With Co-browsing, you can view what the member sees without taking control, thus assisting them in resolving the issue.
Easily hide sensitive information like SSN, income, etc. from the agents during Co-browsing.

Out-of-the-box Online Banking Platform Integrations

Eltropy provides pre-build integrations with popular OLB platforms like Alkami, Banno, and Q2.
With SSO integration, no need to ask members to re-authenticate during AI Chat or Human Chat.

Connect Members with right agents with Universal Skill Based Routing

Deploy agents to handle all, some or one channel with ease.
Route the calls to agents that are most qualified to handle the members, increasing FCR and CSAT.

Multiple Chats

Chat with 1, 2, 4, or more members at the same time.

Quick Messages

Chat faster by using personalized quick messages.

Send Appointment Links

Reached the end of helping a member via Chat? Just send a link to Eltropy Appointments and let members set the appointment for the time and channel that works best for them with experts.

Video Verify

Don’t let phishing lead to fraud loss. Video Verify combines video, KB, and ID Verification to provide a fool-proof way to prevent fraud with very low friction for high-value transactions like loans and wire transfers.
One Time Password
Generate and send OTPs to authenticate the members while chatting. OTP with your existing authentication provides 2FA for more security.
Collect Reviews
Make it convenient for your members to give you reviews by sending a link to Google Reviews and other sites at the right movement during chat.

Express Yourself with Rich Text Chatting

Use emojis, upload documents and format text to make your point with style.
Secure Document Collection and Content Sharing
While chatting, send a Text with secure links to send and receive documents.
Let's Talk